I am loving that my boys are old enough to play real games with me now. After six years of dinosaur matching, Candyland, and Hi Ho Cherrio, it is so nice to sit down and play chess and rummy with my kids. Joshua enjoys it, but Ethan LOVES it. He is remarkably good at both games. In fact, he beat me for at Chess for the first time two days ago. (And, no, I didn't let him. I do not believe in letting my kids win. I'm mean like that.)
A conversation with Lauren:
Me: How did you get so big?
Lauren: I just growed.
Me: Did you grow today?
Lauren: No, I growed tomorrow and yesterday and Saturday and June.
The kids have been spending these gorgeous spring days running races and obstacle courses in the back yard.

It is going to be such an adjustment for them when we move because they have gotten so used to playing on my parents' multiple acres of land all day every day. Poor Lesey is not going to know what to do when we leave and she goes back to being an only child!
I'm looking forward to a slower pace this weekend than last. After not leaving the house for four days after my surgery, I spent last Saturday going to two soccer games and two weddings. Yeah, I way overdid it, and to top it off, I forgot to take any pain pills before I left for the weddings. Fortunately, there was wine and champagne at the reception. :) (I went to one ceremony and then headed to the next wedding, so I attended only one reception.)
Joshua and I found this little guy on our way home from school on the Friday before spring break.

Joshua REALLY wanted to take him to school for show & tell, so we named him Tommy and put him in a plastic crate with some water and rocks. Amazingly, we managed to keep him alive for almost three weeks - 2 until Josh could take him to school and an extra one before I got around to taking a picture of him. (Josh didn't want to let him go without a picture.) I'm pretty sure he didn't eat that entire time he was in captivity, poor guy. We gave him fruits and veggies and, I'm pretty sure, a couple of gourmet rolly-pollies and snails, but he didn't seem to keen on any of them. I can't imagine why.
We leave for Pennsylvania in three weeks. The time is really flying by now. David moved into our new house this week. Not only have I never seen the house, I am now at his mercy for where to put the furniture . . . at least for the time being. Here are the things I will be seeing for the first time when I move in: the house, the sofas, the recliner, the loveseat, and Lauren's bedroom furniture. Keeping my fingers crossed, I tell ya.
No time for seven of these today, so I will leave you with six. Considering how pathetic the six were, I'll consider it a favor.
Great quick takes! Just stopping by from Conversion Diary, and I had to say how cute those kids are. I have a Lauren, too - I imagine we'll be having those adorable conversations soon. She's still a baby though, so I'm cherishing the random babbles.
Hope your next week is more restful!
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