Monday, February 15, 2010

True beauty

One of my favorite things about being home is getting to worship in our former church. The church we attend in Pennsylvania and the church we attended in Georgia could not be more different. One is charismatic; one is semi-liturgical. One is full of dancing and shouting; one does not even clap after a solo. One begins somewhere around 11:00 and ends when it ends; the other starts at 10:45 and ends promptly at noon.

And I love them both.

We sang one of my favorite hymns yesterday. To be honest, the entire song doesn't move me much, but the second verse contains one of my favorite lines of all time:

And whether our tomorrows be filled with good or ill, we'll triumph through our sorrows and rise to bless You still,

To marvel at Your beauty and glory in Your ways, and make a joyful duty our sacrifice of praise.

Where do I marvel at God's beauty? In the snow-covered mountains, yes. In the colorful feathers of a peacock. In the tiny fingers and toes of my newborn child for sure. I've mostly associated beauty with the aesthetic in nature . . . sunsets, flowers, beaches, canyons.

As I looked around me in church yesterday, I found myself marveling in His beauty in a new way. Standing with fellow pilgrims, with whom I have laughed and cried, and declaring the greatness of our Savior's love is truly a thing beauty.

How awesome is the fellowship of believers where we can always find refuge for our souls. Even though churches may be worlds apart in how they express the joy of their salvation, they are full of beautiful people.

I think God's church is perhaps the most beautiful thing of all.

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